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Bears and Sediments at Caverna de gli Orsi / Medvedja jama (Trieste, Italy)

Giovanni BOSCHIAN, Annamaria DE SANTIS

Caverna degli Orsi/Medvedja jama. Sondage “A”. Grain-size of the <2 mm fraction of sediment samples (undecalcified and decalcified).


Geoarchaeological studies carried out on the sequence of Caverna degli Orsi/Medvedja jama (Trieste, Italy), corroborate the hypothesis - based on biostratigraphy - that the deposit formed in the time span between the end of the last Interglacial (MIS 5) and the end of the early-middle Pleniglacial (MIS 4). The studied sequence includes ceiling breakdown deposits, loess, debrisfall/ debrisflow, and organic phosphates deriving mainly from the decay of cave bear bones.

Keywords:Cave, sedimentology, soil micromorphology, cave bear, Upper Pleistocene, Mousterian, Italy


2011, (Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 21), 280 pages, 44 b-w photographs, 10 drawings, 52 tables, 71 graphs and 9 maps, 20 x 29 cm hardcover, ISBN 978-961-254-257-3.

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