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Dragan Božič


Telphone: ++ 386 1 47 06 396

Education and Qualifications:
B. Sc. in archaeology 1980, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Ph. D. in archaeology 1993, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Education abroad:
Study of Iron Age archaeology with Professor Georg Kossack at the Institute of Prehistoric and Early Medieval Archaeology of the Ludwig-Maximilan University in Munich in Bavaria in the school year 1977-1978.

Present position:
Research Advisor

Research interests:

  • the Late Iron Age in Central Europe (especially, the Late La Tene period and the transition to the Roman Age, and the chronological systems)
  • non-ceramic finds from the Roman period and Late Antiquity
  • hoards of iron tools
  • archival archaeological sources

Research programme:
South-eastern Alps in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC

Editorial board:

  • member of the Editorial Committee of the series Katalogi in monografije, published by the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana
  • member of the Editorial Committee of the series Situla published by the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana
  • member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Arheološki vestnik

Personal bibliography is available witin the Bibliography of Researchers on COBISS..

Selected bibliography:

Early Iron Age

  • Late Hallstatt period bronze vessels in two late graves of the La Tene-early Imperial Idrija group. - In: Keltske študije 2 (Montagnac 2009) str. 77-84.
  • P. Turk, D. Božič, J. Istenič, N. Osmuk in ž. Šmit, New pre-Roman inscriptions from western Slovenia : the archaeological evidence. - In: Keltske študije 2 (Montagnac 2009) str. 47-64.

Late Iron Age

  • Relativna kronologija mlajše železne dobe v jugoslovanskem Podonavju [Relative Chronologie der jüngeren Eisenzeit im jugoslawischen Donauraum]. - Arheološki vestnik 32, Ljubljana 1981, str. 315-347.
  • Kasnolatenski astragalni pojasevi tipa Beograd [Die spätlatčnezeitlichen Astragalgürtel vom Typ Beograd]. - Starinar 32, 1981, Beograd 1982, str. 47-56.
  • Keltska kultura u Jugoslaviji. Zapadna grupa. - V: Praistorija jugoslavenskih zemalja, knj. 5, Željezno doba (Sarajevo 1987) str. 855-897.
  • I Taurisci. - V: I Celti (Milano 1991) str. 471-477.
  • O latenskih najdbah na območju Ptuja [Concerning the La Tčne finds in the Ptuj Area]. - V: Ptujski arheološki zbornik (Ptuj 1993) str. 189-204.
  • Slovenija in srednja Evropa v poznolatenskem obdobju [Slowenien und Mitteleuropa in der Spätlatčnezeit]. - Arheološki vestnik 44, Ljubljana 1993, str. 137-152.
  • Neues über die Kontakte längs der Bernsteinstraße während der Spätlatčnezeit. - Arheološki vestnik 49, Ljubljana 1998, str. 141-156.
  • Hat man in der augusteischen Werkstatt auf dem Magdalensberg auch Standartenteile produziert? - Instrumentum 10, Montagnac 1999, str. 30 in 32.
  • Tre insediamenti minori del gruppo protostorico di Idrija pri Baci. - V: Studio e conservazione degli insediamenti minori romani in area alpina, Studi e Scavi 8 (Bologna 1999) str. 71-79.
  • Die Erforschung der Latčnezeit in Slowenien seit Jahr 1964. - Arheološki vestnik 50, Ljubljana 1999, str. 189-213.
  • Ljudje ob Krki in Kolpi v latenski dobi. - Arheološki vestnik 52, Ljubljana 2001, str. 181-198.
  • Il vasellame bronzeo romano : grandi bacili e piccoli mestoli-colini. - V: I bronzi antichi : Produzione e tecnologia. Atti del XV Congresso Internazionale sui Bronzi Antichi, Monographies instrumentum 21 (Montagnac 2002) str. 419-428.
  • L'aiguičre en bronze de la tombe a char de Verna (Isčre): une composition tripartite. - Arheološki vestnik 54, Ljubljana 2003, str. 259-269.
  • The function of the bronze D-shaped ring from the late Republican horse burial in Kobarid, Soča Valley (SI). - Instrumentum 20, Montagnac 2004, pp. 6-8.

Roman Period

  • Hat man in der augusteischen Werkstatt auf dem Magdalensberg auch Standartenteile produziert? - Instrumentum 10, Montagnac 1999, pp. 30 and 32.
  • re insediamenti minori del gruppo protostorico di Idrija pri Baci. - In: Studio e conservazione degli insediamenti minori romani in areaalpina, Studi e Scavi 8 (Bologna 1999) pp. 71-79.
  • Il vasellame bronzeo romano : grandi bacili e piccoli mestoli-colini. - In: I bronzi antichi : Produzione e tecnologia. Atti del XV Congresso Internazionale sui Bronzi Antichi, Monographies Instrumentum 21 (Montagnac 2002) pp. 419-428.
  • D. Božič, M. Feugčre, Les instruments de l'écriture. - Gallia 61, Paris 2004, pp. 21-41.

Late Antiquity

  • D. Božič, S. Ciglenečki, Zenonov tremis in poznoantična utrdba Gradec pri Veliki Strmici. - Arheološki vestnik 46, Ljubljana 1995, str. 247-277.
  • Eine spätrömische Pinzette oder Waageschere? - Instrumentum 12, Montagnac 2000, str. 30.
  • Die spätrömischen Hortfunde von der Gora oberhalb von Polhov Gradec. - Arheološki vestnik 56, Ljubljana 2005, pp. 293-368.

Papers in print

  • A Hallstatt grave containing a cuirass, excavated near Stična by the Duchess of Mecklenburg in 1913. The reliability of grave groups from the Mecklenburg Collection [K halštatskemu grobu z oklepom, ki ga je leta 1913 pri Stični izkopala vojvodinja Mecklenburška. O zanesljivosti grobnih celot Mecklenburške zbirke]. - Arheološki vestnik 60, Ljubljana 2009, str. 000-000.

Selected bibliography at Archéophile

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