Jana Horvat
E-mail: Jana.Horvat@zrc-sazu.si
Telephone: + 386 1 47 06 386
Education and Qualifications:
B. Sc. in archaeology 1984, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
M. Sc. in archaeology 1989, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Ph. D. in archaeology 1994, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Education abroad:
1989/1990 study at the Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie in Munich (prof. Günterj Ulbert).
Present position:
Senior research fellow, Head of the Institute
Research interests:
Roman provincial archaeology:
material culture, settlement, romanisation, archaeological research of the high mountains area
Research programme
The Romanisation processes on the territory of Slovenia
Research projects:
The role of Nauportus in the Romanization process in the Southeastern Alpine region
Editorial board:
Personal bibliography is available at
COBISS, Bibliography of Researchers.
Selected bibliography:
- HORVAT, Jana, Prazgodovinske naselbinske najdbe pri farni cerkvi v Kranju, Arheološki vestnik 34, 1983, 140-218.
- HORVAT, Jana, Nauportus (Vrhnika), Dela 33, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo 16. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1990.
- HORVAT, Jana, Notranjska na začetku rimske dobe: Parti pri Stari Sušici, Ambroevo gradišče in Baba pri Slavini, Arheološki vestnik 46, 1995, str. 177-216.
- HORVAT, Jana, Ausbreitung römischer Einflüsse auf das Südostalpengebiet in voraugusteischer Zeit. V: CZYSZ, Wolfgang (ur.). Provinzialrömische Forschungen : Festschrift für Günter Ulbert zum 65. Geburtstag. Espelkamp: Marie Leidorf, 1995, 25-40.
- HORVAT, Jana, Sermin : prazgodovinska in zgodnjerimska naselbina v severozahodni Istri = a prehistoric and early Roman settlement in northwestern Istria, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 3, Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, 1997.
- HORVAT, Jana, Roman provincial archaeology in Slovenia following the year 1965: settlement and small finds, Arheološki vestni 50, 1999, 215-257.
- HORVAT, Jana, Vorgeschichtliche und römische Besiedlung der Kamniške Alpe (Slowenien). V: Della Casa, Philippe (ur.). Prehistoric alpine environment, society, and economy : papers of the international colloquium PAESE '97 in Zurich, Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 55. Bonn: Habelt, 1999, 183-188.
- HORVAT, Jana, Roman Repulican weapons from Šmihel in Slovenia. V: Feugere, M. (ur.), L'équipement militaire et l'armament del la république (IVe-Ier s. avant J.-C.), Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 8, 1997 (1999) 105-120.
- HORVAT, Jana and Alma, BAVDEK, Okra. Vrata med Sredozemljem in Srednjo Evropo = OCRA. The gateway between the Mediterranean and Central Europe, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 17, Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, 2009.
- HORVAT, Jana in Andreja, DOLENC VIČIČ, Arheološka najdišča Ptuja. Rabelčja vas = Archaeological Sites of Ptuj. Rabelčja vas, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 20, Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, 2010..
Selected articles (pdf):
- Kmetič, Dimitrij, Horvat, Jana, Vodopivec, Franc, Metallographic examinations of the Roman Republican weapons from the hoard from Grad near Šmihel / Metalografske preiskave rimskega republikanskega orožja iz zaklada z Gradu pri Šmihelu, Arheološki vestnik 55, 2004, 291-312.
- Mušič, Branko, Horvat, Jana, Nauportus - an Early Roman trading post at Dolge njive in Vrhnika. The results of geophysical prospecting using a variety of independent methods / Nauportus - zgodnjerimska trgovska postojanka na Dolgih njivah na Vrhniki, Rezultati geofizikalne raziskave z več neodvisnimi metodami, Arheološki vestnik 58, 2007, 219-283.
- Horvat, Jana, The beginning of Roman commerce along the main route Aquileia - Emona, in: R. Auriemma, S. Karinja (eds.), Terre di mare, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Trieste 2008, 444-453.
- Horvat, Jana, Early Roman horrea at Nauportus, Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome, Antiquité 120/1, 2008, 111-121.
- Horvat, Jana, Selected Aspects of Romanisation in Western and Central Slovenia, in: G. Cuscito (ed.), Aspetti e problemi della romanizzazione. Venetia, Histria e arco Alpino orientale, Antichità Altoadriatiche 68, Trieste 2009, 355-381.
- Horvat, Jana, The archaeology of Velika planina, in: F. Mandl, H. Stadler (eds.), Archäologie in den Alpen. Alltag und Kult, Forschungsberichte der ANISA 3, Nearchos 19, Haus i. E. 2010, 89-100.
- Horvat, Jana, First century BC Roman fortifications in the Eastern Alps, in: P. Herz, P. Schmid, O. Stoll (eds.), Zwischen Region und Reich. Das Gebiet der oberen Donau im Imperium Romanum, Region im Umbruch 3, Berlin 2010, 135-159.
- Horvat, Jana, Kmetič, Dimitrij, Metalografske preiskave železnih predmetov: primer rimskega orožja z Gradu pri Šmihelu (Metallographic analysis of iron objects: the case of the Roman weapons from Grad near Šmihel), Argo 53/1, 2010, 60-62.
- Horvat, Jana, Zupančič, Nina, Raziskave amfor s Sermina (Analysis of the amphorae from Sermin), Argo 53/1, 2010, 82-83.
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