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Programme - Late Antiquity


The main focus is the research of the Late Antique settlement pattern in the south-eastern Alpine region and Illyricum. To date we applied systematic research methods to define and confirm a whole spectrum of settlement forms, which extend from urban agglomerations over various rural settlements (fortified and not fortified) to sacral centres, military forts and refuges.

Research, ongoing for decades already, continues to be upgraded with excavations of the large settlement of Tonovcov grad near Kobarid. Also, we continue to supplement the mosaic of the settlement pattern. This process demands systematic verification of archive data, field walking, reconnaissance and continuous perfecting in the methodology of documenting the discovered structures.

Map of the more significant Late Antiquity sites of the 5th and 6th centuries and an attempt at the reconstruction of the network of Roman roads.

The results of this research are all in the final phase, along with the results of the research regarding the settlement pattern in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. Thus we are preparing the basis for a full presentation of the extremely variegated and dynamic settlement pattern of the Mediterranean during the Late Antiquity, which in many aspects exceeds existing settlement patterns..


  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 1987, Höhenbefestigungen aus der Zeit vom 3. bis 6. Jh. im Ostalpenraum. - Dela 1. razreda SAZU 31.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 1997, Die wichtigsten Völkerwanderungszeitlichen Einfallstrassen von Osten nach Italien im Licht der neuesten Forschungen. - V: Peregrinatio Gothica, Jantarová stezka, Supplementum ad Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae sociales 82, 179-191.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 1999, Results and problems in the archaeology of the late antiquity in Slovenia. Arh. vest., 50, 287-309.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2000, Tinje nad Loko pri Žusmu: poznoantična in zgodnjesrednjeveška naselbina = Tinje oberhalb von Loka pri Žusmu : Spätantike und frühmittelalterliche Siedlung, (Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae, 4). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2003, The basic characteristics of the late antique settlement pattern within the eastern Alpine region and Dalmatia. - Histria antiqua 11, 263-281.

Contact: Slavko Ciglenečki


Ongoing research of Early Christian architecture, the interior furnishings of these churches and small finds with Christian symbolism in Slovenia represents another important branch of our endeavours. This research has to do with the Early Christian churches discovered so far in Roman towns like Emona, Celeia and Poetovio, rural villae and in the fortified settlements.

Plans of Early Christian churches.

On the basis of stratigraphy, complete assemblages of decorative elements and small finds, we supplement the chronological scheme of the sacral structures and reliably define the functions of certain component parts of the sacral architecture.


  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2003, Frühchristliche Kirchenanlagen in Slowenien. - In: SENNHAUSER, Hans Rudolf (ur.). Frühe Kirchen im östlichen Alpengebiet : von der Spätantike bis in ottonische Zeit, (Abhandlungen, N. F., H. 123). München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: in Kommission bei C. H. Beck, bd. 2, 581-595.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2003, Frühchristliche Kirchen in Slowenien und die Elemente ihrer Innenausstattung. Hortus artium mediev. 9, 11-20.
  • DULAR J., CIGLENEČKI, S. in DULAR A. 1995, Kučar. Železnodobno naselje in zgodnjekrščanski stavbni kompleks na Kučarju pri Podzemlju. - Opera instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 1.
  • BRATOŽ, R., CIGLENEČKI, S., 2000, L'odierna Slovenia. V: BANDELLI, Gino (ur.), ZACCARIA, Claudio (ur.). Aquileia romana e cristiana fra II e V secolo : [atti della XXX Settimana di Studi Aquileiesi, 19-22 maggio 1999], (Antichita Altoadriatiche, 47). Trieste: Editreg SRL, 489-533.

Contact: Slavko Ciglenečki


The research regarding the settlement pattern of the Germanic peoples in the south-eastern Alps present another important task. Mapping Lombard sites increasingly points to the presence of small Germanic communities in the otherwise densely populated and fortified settlements of the Romanized original settlers.

Vranje, Rifnik and Tinje with mapped Lombard finds.


  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2001, Romani e langobardi in Slovenia nel VI secolo. V: Paolo Diacono e il Friuli altomedievale (secc. VI-X). 1a ed. Spoleto: Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 179-200.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2005, Slowenien. In: BECK, Heinrich (ur.). Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. 2., völlig neu bearbeitete und stark erweiterte Aufl. Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter, 29, 123-128.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2005, Langobardische Präsenz im Südostalpen im Lichte neuer Forschungen. V: POHL, Walter (ur.), ERHART, Peter (ur.). Die Langobarden : Herrschaft und Identität, (Denkschriften, Bd. 329), (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 9). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 265-280.
  • CIGLENEČKI, S. 2006, Insediamenti ostrogoti in Slovenia. In: Goti nell' arco alpino orientale. - Archeologia di frontiera 5, 107-122.

Contact: Slavko Ciglenečki


Closely connected to investigations of settlement patterns is also the basic research concerning the relevant material culture, thus allowing for a more reliable interpretation of the discovered structures. We are currently investigating Late Roman and Late Antique small finds from the fortified settlements in the south-eastern Alps with an emphasis on the material from the sites at Tonovcov grad and Korinjski hrib. The preparation of a monograph about Tonovcov grad brought about the processing of ca 2500 fragments of table wares, coarse wares and transport wares. Approximately 1500 pieces of metal small finds and other material (costume accessories, weapons, tools, house equipment) were also processed from the same site.

Contact: Slavko Ciglenečki


The fortified settlement of Tonovcov grad represents, with its architecture, excellent state of preservation and material evidence, one of the largest and most important Late Antique settlements in the south-eastern Alps.

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Presented is a reconstruction of three exceptional hoards of tools and equipment, found in the years 1868, 1883 and 1935, and a publication of all preserved objects, kept in the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana and in the collection of the Local museum of Polhov Gradec. To date only the second hoard was known, the publication of which (P. Petru, Arheološki vestnik 18, 1967, 453-461) was incomplete and partly incorrect (for example, a wrong balance was included). All three hoards were probably buried before the middle of the 5th century. They contained numerous iron and bronze objects, for example parts of chariot wheels, woodworking tools (axes, saws), agricultural tools (a ploughshare, two four-tined hoes, hoes), kitchen equipment, ingots, steelyards, a balance with weights, a hollow bronze cylinder, bronze bells with marks and several bronze vessels. The study will be published in the publication From the Romans to the Slavs. Sites, which will be prepared by the archaeological department of the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana. The German translation published in Arheološki vestnik 56, 2005, pp. 293-368.

Second hoard.

Contact: Dragan Božič

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