Marjeta Šašel Kos
Telphone: + 386 1 47 06 383
Education and Qualifications:
MSc in archaeology 1980, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
PhD in classical philology 1989, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Education abroad:
Post-graduate student at the British School at Athens 1974-1976.
Present position:
Senior research fellow
Research interests:
Greek and Roman Literary Sources for the western Balkans and southeastern Alpine area
Roman Inscriptions of Slovenia (Celeia, Emona)
Research programme:
Research projects:
The role of Nauportus in the Romanization process in the Southeastern Alpine region
Other activities:
- member of the Association Internationale d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine.
( )
- Since 2005, membership in the Scientific Management Committee of the European Project “History and Archaeology of the Balkans”, directed by Jean Luc Lamboley of the University of Lyon 2.
Personal bibliography is available at
COBISS, Bibliography of Researchers.
Selected bibliography:
- Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III (Epigrafia e antichità 5), Bologna 1979.
- A Historical Outline of the Region between Aquileia, the Adriatic, and Sirmium in Cassius Dio and Herodian / Zgodovinska pdoba prostora med Akvilejo, Jadranom in Sirmijem pri Kasiju Dionu in Herodijanu, Ljubljana 1986.
- The Roman Inscriptions in the National Museum of Slovenia / Lapidarij Narodnega muzeja Slovenije (Situla 35), Ljubljana, 1997.
- Pre-Roman Divinities of the Eastern Alps and Adriatic (Situla 38), Ljubljana 1999.
- Appian and Illyricum. (Situla 43), Ljubljana 2005.
Articles (selection)
- The Roman conquest of Dalmatia and Pannonia under Augustus - some of the latest research results. In: MOOSBAUER, Günther 8ed.), WIEGELS, Rainer 8ed.). Fines imperii-imperium sine fine? : römische Okkupations- und Grenzpolitik im frühen Principat : Beiträge zum Kongress "Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?" Osnabrück vom 14. bis 18. september 2009, (Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike-Rezeption, Bd. 14)., 2011, 07-117
- A Latin epitaph of a Roman legionary from Corinth, Journal of Roman Studies 68 (1978) 22-25.
- Nauportus: antični literarni in epigrafski viri (Nauportus: Literary and Epigraphical Sources), v: Jana Horvat, Nauportus (Vrhnika), Ljubljana 1990, 17-33 (pp. 143-159).
- Draco and the Survival of the Serpent Cult in the Central Balkans, Tyche 6, 1991, 183-192, Taf. 13.
- Cadmus and Harmonia in Illyria (Kadmos in Harmonija v Iliriji), Arh. vest. 44, 1993, 113-136.
- The Embassy of Romulus to Attila. One of the last citations of Poetovio in classical literature, Tyche 9, 1994, 99-111 (Romulovo poslanstvo pri Atilu. Ena zadnjih omemb Petovione v antični literaturi, Zgod. cas. 48, 1994, 285-295, v slov. s povzetkom).
- The 15th Legion at Emona - Some Thoughts, Zeitschr. Pap. Epigr. 109, 1995, 227-244, Tab. IV figs. 4, 5.
- The End of the Norican Kingdom and the Formation of the Provinces of Noricum and Pannonia, v: Akten des IV. intern. Kolloquiums über Probleme des provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffens / Akti IV. mednarodnega kolokvija o problemih rimske provincialne umetnosti. Celje 8.-12. Mai / maj 1995, ed. B. Djurić, I. Lazar (Situla 36), Ljubljana 1997, 21-42.
- The Tauriscan Gold Mine - Remarks Concerning the Settlement of the Taurisci, Tyche 13, 1998, 207-219.
- Octavian's Campaigns (35-33 BC) in Southern Illyricum, in: L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'antiquité (Actes du IIIe colloque intern. de Chantilly, 16-19 Octobre 1996), ed. P. Cabanes, Paris 1999, 255-264.
Selected articles (pdf):
Ddedications to divinities from the Epigraphic collection in the City museum of Ljubljana, EMONA – med A kvilejo in P anonijo / EMONA – between Aquileia and Pannonia, 2012, 105-122.
- A glimpse into stonecutters’ workshops in Scupi, Upper Moesia. – In: L’officina epigrafica romana in ricordo di Giancarlo Susini, 2012, 507–524.
- Peoples on the northern fringes of the Greek world: Illyria as seen by Strabo, L’Illyrie Méridionale et l’Épire Dans l’Antiquité 5, 2011; 617–629.
- The Roman conquest of Dalmatia and Pannonia under Augustus - some of the latest research results. V: MOOSBAUER, Günther (ed.), WIEGELS, Rainer (ed.). Fines imperii-imperium sine fine? : römische Okkupations- und Grenzpolitik im frühen Principat : Beiträge zum Kongress "Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?" Osnabrück vom 14. bis 18. september 2009, (Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike-Rezeption, Bd. 14)., 2011, 07-117
- The early urbanization of Noricum and Pannonia, Roma e le province del Danubio : atti del I Convegno Internazionale, Ferrara - Cento, 15-17 Ottobre 2009, 2010, 209–230.
- Cernunnos in Slovenia? / Cernunos v Sloveniji?, Arheološki vestnik 61, 2010, 175–186.
- Pannonia or Lower Illyricum?, Tyche 25, 2010 , 123–130.
- Adsalluta and Magna Mater - is there a link? – In: Arenas-Esteban, Jesús Alberto (ed.). Celtic religion across space and time. Toledo: Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, 2010, 242–256.
- Antinous in Upper Moesia: the introduction of a new cult. – In: Angeli Bertinelli, Maria Gabriella (ed.), Donati, Angela (ed.). Opinione pubblica e forme di comunicazione a Roma : il linguaggio dell'epigrafia : atti del Colloquio AIEGL, Borghesi 2007, (Epigrafia e antichita`, 27). Faenza: Fratelli Lega Editori, 2009, 205–21.
- Reka kot boanstvo: Sava v antiki. In: Peternel, Joe (ed.), Barachini, Joef. Ukročena lepotica : Sava in njene zgodbe,2009, 42–50, Sevnica..
- A new altar to the Nymphs and the Magii in Dalmatia, Histria antiqua 18, 2009, 18/2, 191–202.
- Intercultural communications in Greek myths and legends : some considerations. In: ANGELI BERTINELLI, Maria Gabriella (ed.), DONATI, Angela (ed.). La comunicazione nella storia antica : fantasie e realta` : atti del III incontro internazionale di storia antica (Genova, 23-24 novembre 2006), (Serta antiqua et mediaevalia, 11), (Storia antica, 7). Roma: G. Bretschneider, 2008, 3–22
- Celtic divinities from Celeia and its territory : who were the dedicators?. – In: Sartori, Antonio (ed.). Dedicanti e cultores nelle religioni celtiche, (Quaderni di Acme, 104), 2008, 275–303
- Divinities, priests and dedicators at Emona. – In: Caldelli, Maria Letizia (ed.), Gregori, Gian Luca (ed.), Orlandi, Silvia (ed.). Atti della XVIe recontre sur l'épigraphie in onore di Silvio Panciera con altri contributi di colleghi, allievi e collaboratori, (Tituli, 9). Roma: Quasar, 2008, 2, 687-710.
- The story of the grateful wolf and Venetic horses in Strabo's Geography, Studia Mythologica Slavica 11, 2008, 9–24.
- The family of Romulus Augustulus. – In: Mauritsch, Peter (ed.). Antike Lebenswelten : Konstanz - Wandel - Wirkungsmacht : Festschrift für Ingomar Weiler zum 70. Geburtstag, (Philippika, 25). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008, 439–449.
- Ethnic manipulations with ancient Veneti and Illyrians. – In: Magnani, Stefano (ed.), Marcaccini, Carlo (ed.). Le identita` difficili : archeologia potere propaganda nei Balcani, (Portolano Adriatico, anno 3, n. 3). Firenze: Volo, cop. 2007, 11–18
- The Illyrian king Ballaeus - some historical aspects. – In: Berranger, Danie`le (ed.). Émpire, Illyrie, Macédoine --- : mélanges offerts au professeur Pierre Cabanes, (Collection Erga, 10). Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, Centre de recherches sur les civilisations antiques, cop. 2007, 125–138
- Centenarians in the Emona area and the adjacent Norican and Pannonian regions. – In: Angeli Bertinelli, Maria Gabriella (ed.), Donati, Angela (ed.). Misurare il tempo, misurare lo spazio : atti del colloquio AIEGL - Borghesi 2005, (Epigrafia e antichita`, 25). Faenza: Fratelli Lega, cop. 2006, 175–197
- A few remarks concerning the archaiologia of Nauportus and Emona: the Argonauts. In: Kokole, Metoda (ed.), Murovec, Barbara (ed.), Šašel Kos, Marjeta (ed.), Talbot, Michael (ed.). Mediterranean myths from classical antiquity to the eighteenth century, 2006, 13–20-
- Mythological stories concerning Illyria and its name. V: Cabanes, Pierre (ed.), Lamboley, Jean-Luc (ed.). L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'Antiquité - IV : actes du IVe colloque international de Grenoble (10-12 octobre 2002), 2004, 493-504.
- Emona was in Italy, not in Pannonia. – In: Šašel Kos, Marjeta (ed.), Scherrer, Peter (ed.), Kuntić-Makvić, Bruna (ed.), Borhy, László (ed.). The autonomous towns of Noricum and Pannonia, Pannonia, Situla 41, 2003, 11–19.
- The festival of Carna at Emona. Tyche 17, 2002, 129–144.
- Il confine nord-orientale dell'Italia romana riesame del problema alla luce di un nuovo documento epigrafico. Aquileia nostra 73, 2002, 246–259.
- The boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona, Arheološki vestnik 53, 2002,373–382
- Belin, Studia Mythologica Slavica 4, 2001, 9–16.
- The Tauriscan gold mine : remarks concerning the settlement of the Taurisci. Tyche 13, 1998, 207–219
- From the Tauriscan Gold Mine to the Goldenhorn and the Unusual Alpine Animal. In: Studia Mythologica Slavica 1, 1998, 169–182.
- The 15th legion at Emona – some thoughts. Z. Papyrol. Epigr., 1995, bd. 109, 227-244.
- Cadmus and Harmonia in Illyria, Arheološki vestnik 44, 1993, 113–136.
- An unusual gift for Mithras' sanctuary in Salonae,Tyche 8, 1993, 145-147.
- Draco and the survival of the serpent cult in the Central Balkans. Tyche 6, 1991, 183–192.
- Sententiae in the Agricola of Tacitus, iva antika 40, 1990, 83–109.
- A Latin Epitaph of a Roman Legionary from Corinth. The Journal of Roman Studies 78, 1978, 21–25.
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